Tuesday 23 March 2010

Types of food

This my word cloud about food: peaches, pears, banana... You can create your word cloud when you click here or here.

Monday 22 March 2010

The best blog

Ha! this blog is extraordinary, beautiful, amazing, original, famuos, smart, wonderful, awesome... . I like very much

Monday 15 March 2010

A strange world

I'm a Surrealist painter!
I created this surrealist painting in SurrealPainter with lot of imagination and time.
In the picture you can see smoke, water with a fish, feathers, a hand, balls and stairs.

Monday 1 March 2010

I'm a tiger

I'm the tiger. In this image appears information about me.
For the spanish people: Sensibles, emocionales y de aventura. Confiados tomadores de riesgo, y no les gusta tomar los pedidos. Bueno para ver los problemas, pero menos capaces de ver las soluciones. A menudo buscan un hombro para llorar cuando se siente abajo. Cálida y generosa a las personas que aman.